Upcycle your silver delivery bags
It’s 12 days of RFK holidays here at the Real Food Kitchen, and with the holiday break approaching and your kids at home, you may find yourself out of ideas to keep them busy. Worry not. We’re here to help you out!
You got it!
Remember those spiffy silver delivery bags from your delicious Real Food Kitchen delivery? Give them a second life by upcycling them into seasonal crafts! Check some ideas you can easily replicate at home with your family.

First, cut away the clear film.

Try making garlands! Cut your bag into strips, accordion fold. Draw your image, make sure not to cut away the folded edge!
Cut out your shapes and voila!

You could also fold a long strip in half lengthwise. Starting on the folded side, cut slices, but don’t go all the way across, alternating between slices. When you’ve finished slicing, cut all the connected folded edges, pull them apart for a twisty garland.

or use it as gift wrap for small parcels

Whatever craft you decide to do with the Real Food Kitchen delivery bags, it will be a sparkly holiday!
Stay tuned to our social media for a special surprise each day! It may be tips and tricks to make your holiday season a memorable one, free treats or a big discount at the Real Food Kitchen!
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