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building blocks for happy, healthy kids!
Our catering program for child care centres and schools includes nutritious hot lunches, morning and afternoon snacks, and a choice of milk service options to suit your centre.
industry-leading allergy & special meal program
Parents and caregivers love the peace of mind that comes with customized menu plans and individually sealed and labeled replacement meals for every child with an allergy or dietary restriction. And with substitute items like Real Food Kitchen-made dairy-free quinoa pudding, and a complete 4-week cycle of delicious alternative and vegetarian meals, kids with special dietary needs enjoy the same variety of delicious, nutritious food as their friends!
OTIFACT: guaranteed daily delivery
Great food is only part of the equation: it’s also critical that it arrives On Time, In Full and At the Correct Temperature.
It’s why we created the acronym OTIFACT: to keep us accountable to what matters to you most. We measure our performance every single day based on this criteria, and aim for an issue-free delivery with every one of our clients.
RFRK prides itself on its logistics almost as much as its food. We’ve got backup plans for our backup plans (like engine block heaters for all our vans and a powerful electricity generator which can take the entire Real Food Kitchen off the grid in case of a black out!)
Come rain, sleet, hail, snow or cloudy with a chance of meatballs… our courteous, professional Super Drivers get the right food to you On Time, In Full and At the Correct Temperature!
above & beyond
We’re your own Nutritional Dream Team! Our staff are here to help you with creative solutions for learning eaters, provide information on food allergies, tips to pass your nutrition evaluation criteria with flying colours, or whatever else can help you in the realm of nutrition.
For special events like a field trip, dig into fresh RFRK picnic meals! Packed picnic lunches are available year-round. Do you have a birthday coming up or are low on healthy, nut-free pantry snacks? Contact one of our Clients & Services Representatives and order a locally baked nut-free cake or snacks for an upcoming parent night!

what’s on the menu at child care centres?
fuel up with a morning snack!
Our snacks always contain at least two food groups. To us, providing a wide variety is very important. Inspired combinations like our Super Smoothies which include our custom-made Vanilla Maple Yogurt stirred together with fruit & veggie blends or Raisin & Seed Breakfast Oaties designed to be gluten free and full of extra protein, served with fruit or milk.
la pièce de résistance, lunch!
Our 4-week rotating menu includes main protein dishes such as locally-sourced chicken, Ontario pasture-raised beef, MSC-certified Skipjack tuna & Canadian salmon and nutrient-rich legumes.
We pair these with a variety of grains including red, basmati, brown or wild rice, quinoa, millet, whole grain whole wheat pasta, white and tricolour pastas and a mouth-watering variety of custom and specialty bread products. And of course, no plate would be complete without a colourful combination of vegetables and fruit.
Our menus are approved by a third party Registered Dietitian and exceed all of the guidelines in the Child Care and Early Years Act (CCEYA).
need a boost? dig into an afternoon snack!
Kids love to be fun and creative, that’s why we build our menus with the intention to provide engaging and interactive Snacktivities – like our Mini Pizzas, Egg Cracker Stacker & Banana Roll Up! Kids will also dig into fresh fruits and veggies, artisanal Ontario cheeses, locally made specialty breads and Real Food Kitchen – made salsa, dips, hummus and more!
Every item we provide follows our Real Food Promise which contributes to focused, happy, healthy kids!