In How It’s Made, we’ll give you a behind-the-scenes peek into our favourite Real Food Kitchen recipes! Today’s special: velvety smooth Vanilla Maple Yogurt.
We searched high and low for a local, off-the-shelf, healthy flavoured yogurt that met our ingredient and nutritional standards. Artificial ingredients, ‘natural’ flavours and copious amounts of added sugar were everywhere we looked, so we decided to make our own! We teamed up with a Toronto-based local dairy producer, Elite Dairy, to create a custom product exclusively for RFRK.
Our Vanilla Maple Yogurt has a flavour and texture similar to what kids already know and love, only it’s sweetened with just a hint of maple syrup without any other added sugars. It’s also free of any flavour enhancing artificial ingredients.
Vanilla Maple Yogurt appears on the Real Food snack menu 1-2 times per month. It’s served with fruit or granola like a parfait, or sent with our Real Food Kitchen-made fruit and veggie blends (Orange-Vanilla & Banana-Apple-Beet) as a Super Smoothie Snacktivity. Yum!
What are your favourite Real Food Kitchen-made recipes? Share by tagging us @realfoodforrealkids on Instagram or Facebook and #Realfoodkitchen!