Our First Love campaign returns, and we want you to join in!
Why? Because studies show that serving veggies first means that kids will eat more of their veggies, and enjoy them more too! Stay tuned to The Table all month where we’ll be sharing tips & tricks on how to get kids to love their vegetables first.
Let’s kick it off with a scavenger hunt to help your kids learn how to identify the variety of veggies out there, and get them about excited about the different ways they can be enjoyed.
Click on the image below for a downloadable PDF.

And if you’re looking for even more ways to inspire the kiddos to try more veggies, check out the great tools and resources available from Paint Your Plate and Rainbow Plate.
And don’t forget to share your successes! We’d love to see you and your kids enjoying your vegetables, share your stories with us @realfoodforrealkids