get to know these fresh faces!
Have you heard the news? Our fruit and veggie buddies are making their debut!

Here’s the deal: 2024 is a big deal at Real Food for Real Kids. We’re turning 20 this year and want to celebrate our continuously growing company and exciting journey by updating our look!
With the help of B3Strategy, we developed these whimsical animated fruit and veggie characters! And with a hand from Minoh Inc, we are now able to show off our new buddies in our window display! These friends add a pop of colour, liveliness and joy to the Real Food facility (just like the meals we deliver every day!)
Which one is your favourite? We love them all equally, but we’re big fans of the adorable plum, bashful peach, and the broccoli rocking the specs!
Not only has our window front gone from drab to fab, but our delivery vans are also sporting these new graphics! Maybe you’ve seen them around town? Perhaps a cool tomato wearing sunglasses? Or a high-fiving pair of bell peppers?

Which new character are your kids the most excited to see?
Comment below!