Meet Lily Weng, who joined us in November 2021.

What do you do at the Real Food Kitchen?
I am the System Administrator. My job is to make sure operational teams are able to use our ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system effectively. It is a hands-on role in supporting users, documenting best practices, and managing data.
The biggest challenge that I face is ensuring that our ERP system has accurate and consistent data from various sources within the organization.
What do you love about working at RFRK?
The positive work environment. Employees feel valued and appreciated regardless of their background, and their contributions are recognized.
If you were a superhero, who would you be?
The Flash. I love to travel but I hate long flights so becoming Flash will allow me to go anywhere I want in an instant..
What’s your favourite Real Food recipe?
My favorite RFRK recipe I had so far is the Zucchini Muffin. I LOVE Zucchini muffins! It is so delicious and great as a snack or dessert. You can’t even tell you are eating veggies.
What types of activities do you enjoy outside of work?
Some of the activities I enjoy outside of work are doing picnics and playing anything related to sports: volleyball, ping pong, badminton, frisbee… You name it 🙂
Do you wish you could play an active part in feeding families real, nutritious, delicious food?
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