Meet Trevor Ghanie , who joined us in July 2019.

What do you do at the Real Food Kitchen?
I was initially hired on as a Super Driver, and over the course of two years I started to transition into more leadership and support roles, working behind the scenes for the other drivers. This allowed me to connect with more of my colleagues at RFRK, whom I’d never really spoken to or seen before, since I was primarily on the road. That type of networking helped me move into a new position of Purchasing Coordinator on the Supply Chain team.
My job now primarily revolves around ordering produce that is required for our various recipes. I am constantly negotiating pricing with our vendors, doing my absolute best to save RFRK money on a weekly basis. My colleagues and I work closely with the Menu Planning team as well as the Client Experience team, often delivering both good and bad news that’s developing in the ever changing and evolving food market. This sometimes causes the Menu Planning team massive headaches, but we always get through it.
What do you love about working at RFRK?
What I love most about working for RFRK is 100% without a doubt the people. Every single day, we face challenges all across the board and every single time we work collaboratively to find solutions to keep our clients happy. I have never been a part of such an inclusive and welcoming company before. Finding RFRK over 3 years ago was a blessing. It also doesn’t hurt that I live 10 mins away.

Not only that but I love the values that RFRK represents. First and foremost, healthy eating. I grew up in a time where processed foods were practically all that was served at daycares. It’s refreshing to see that we’re really pushing for kids to lead a lifestyle of healthier eating. It has even helped my son try different things at home, like foods that were inspired from different parts of the world. He looooooves the Sri Lankan Chicken!
If you were a superhero, who would you be?
I really wanted to say Batman but that answer has been used plenty of times, so I’m going to go with Storm, for the simple fact that if I had the power to manipulate the weather, I would make it so that it is summer weather wherever I was all the time. Bye bye winter and feeling cold, hello sunny 30 degree Christmas.
What’s your favourite Real Food recipe?
That’s a tough one, as I do like quite a few things that we serve. From the omnivore side, I would choose the Madagascar Chicken because of the flavour and spice combination. As for herbivore, I would choose the Mac & Cheese as there is something about the first taste that always hooks me in, especially when you add some heat to it, or in my case a lot of heat.
What types of activities do you enjoy outside of work?
Outside of work, my family and I love to take nature walks, as we go on quite a few hikes throughout the summer months. I also love teaching my son to play different sports, primarily basketball and baseball. I am also keen on keeping the mind sharp as I try to do a couple of sudoku puzzles everyday. To wind down everyday, I usually like to turn my brain off and just play some video games.
Do you wish you could play an active part in feeding families real, nutritious, delicious food?
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